Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Why Master Planning 1?

The fact is almost all projects whether new buildings or remodel:  "The need is greater than the budget!"

That issue requires each group to ask, "Which comes first and what has to wait until more funds are available.  Think of Master Planning as a road map to show clear direction for the future. Many expansion plans are defeated because some stake holders think that there needs are not considered at all.  A Master Plan addresses ALL concerns and even tests "fringe ideas".

In Master Planning we must give a full accounting of all needs, goals and desires. We create a "musta-otta-wanta" list to review what is necessary, where do you need to get to and what is desirable. 

Whether they are called  community, stake holders, members or patrons, time is set aside for free input to the Plan as well as follow up sessions to show that they were being heard.

Buy-in to the Future is the product of Good Master Planning.